A CALL FOR MOM AND DAD (declamation)


Ring... ring... ring... is it the phone? My, it's two o'clock in the morning yet. But wait. It is Dad. Has he just got home from the business meeting, maybe... poor Dad! He works so hard for Mom and me.
I walked on tiptoe to the door ( another honking was heard ). Oh, is it Mom? Yes and what happens? She looks drunk, swinging her way to the sala.

All I hope was to give them surprise but I get, instead the biggest surprise in my life. Dad, my hero leads a Cassanova lifestyle: wine, women and party. And Mom, the lady behind the recent fund raising campaign is the exact opposite of the image she projected in that last week's PTA event. A cheat, a liar. How could they do this to me? "You brute," Mom shouted, You think you can always hide things from me? I saw you with your secretary," and she started throwing things at Dad.

"Stop that, Matilde." And he pushes Mom hard enough to the wall.

Is this the home I was eagerly looking forward to return for a vacation? And Dad, is he worth emulating? My Mom, what has gone with her? I got out from my place.

Mom, Dad what's wrong? Benjo, good you are here. Dad managed to say. We can no longer go on this way anymore. It's no use of hiding things from you I must confess. I love you son. You are the only reason of my staying here. Now it is for good. I must leave the house. Son, please understand. He went up and in an instance he came down with his luggage. Mom seemed to be in the state of shock. All she could do was cry.
Benjo, my son. I can no longer hide the truth. Your Dad and I are never happy. We have to part ways. Please, Son try to understand.

I bite my lips to hold my tears but I held Mom by shoulders. Mom, why has this happened to us? Have you ever thought of the effects on me? That happened a long time ago.
I do not know where Dad is now. It took me long to gather the prices of my broken dreams. All I know is I am very much affected by what happened to us.

To you fathers and mothers present in this hall now, I challenge you to step forward to prove you are not cowards like my own Dad. I challenge you mothers to stay firm and unwavering, never to let your family break.


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