A child, aged three, in short pants was holding a balloon with his right hand and ice cream cone with his left. He was running aimlessly while the father followed. Shouting, kicking, crying boisterously. That was then, a few years ago, but it was just faint memory. Yes, for that boy some years back was I. Dad and I used to be great pats ceases to be now. We are at a distance from each other. He talks, I do not listen. I explain he does not admit. . . And this is just one phase of growing , a painful process of change.

My friends, any change is not easy at all.

"My son", I remember Dad admonished, "you get to be different. You are a grown up child now. Don't be hard on your younger sister. Don't hit her anymore," he said, when I once hit Alice.

A grown up I mused to myself so I can now go to Disco join friends and have the real taste of life". But he again interrupted, "My son, remember you are still young, a little boy".

A grown-up or a  little boy. . . who am I really, an adult or a little boy?

Life is a series of surprises. What I used to enjoy when I was a kid will no longer be the same. Eventually and gradually things will take a shift. Doing things with Dad's assistance will slowly mean doing it on your own. Taking a risk may mean Yes; that's ok; or no, you should learn better, next time. Less supervision but more reprimands. . . failure of success I am starting on my own. Discovering  things, using my discretion, deciding by myself are all parts of this painful process. I fail occasionally. I get discouraging remarks. I learn new ways. I experiment with peer groups. These characterize a teenage life. A bandwagon I am, I like to be equal with my members. What they have, I must also; what they do too. And to all these Dad prones, Mom disapproves, society condemns. . .

As I feel my way to independence in the little part of my brain, I have some reservation. . . What? Will this ever win my old's approval?

If not them misunderstanding is possible. Human as I am go against their standards different from mine. Inexperienced go against their standards different from mine. Inexperienced as I am I react opposite to what they expect to me. Uncertain as I am, I refrain to conform to what they desire. As a result we end up hostile to each one. Disobedient, recalcitrant and stubborn, they brand me. I feel short, misunderstood and unloved, I find solace and approval with my peer. They understand, they accept me because we have similar standard, we have the same world. they like me because we very well approve each other.

I want to be on my own, my parents are not ready to accept this fact. A child no more, an adult neither, I feel lost. We became alienated from each one. Growing is really painful just as advancing in years for parent is so.

All I ask of you is continue holding me- I still need you. Open communication line. Stop filling my days with 'Don't and No'. Listen to my unworded desire. You will always be part of me. Let us both put life and love to our days as we journey together to the mystery of life.


  1. Hi i really liked this piece!! Can i use this piece for a school presentation?. :)

  2. with some editing? for i will refer it to myself as a girl? thank you :)

  3. This one is great! May I ask for permission to use this for a school presentation? Thank you in advance! :)

  4. This one is great! May I ask for permission to use this for a school presentation? Thank you in advance! :)

  5. can i use this piece for my declamation in school?

  6. Hello Ms.Grace can I use this declamation piece for my school project?

  7. Hello Ms.Grace can I use this declamation piece for my school project?

  8. Hello Miss Grace, can l use this piece but l would like to edit some parts, especially the little boy. l would like to use little girl/ Thank you :)

  9. Hi what afvice can u give if my daughter will use this for her oration?

  10. Can I use this piece for school presentation?

  11. can i use this for a presentation?

  12. My classmate won the declamation of the pains of growing up

  13. Can i used this in school?I like it.
    Thank you in advance

  14. Can I used this piece ? Thank u

  15. Can I use this piece for my declamation in school?😊
    Thank you in advance!

  16. Is this declamation or Oration?thanks for the answer

  17. can I ask for the full name of the author and permission to use it for school purpose?

  18. hello, please let me use this one two for school activity :)
    please send me your full name and permission to use it. :) i really like it

  19. Hi it's very nice! Can i use it for my daughters' presentation? Thank you in advance

  20. can I ask for permission to use it for school purpose?

  21. hello. your piece is nice. can i barrow it for a school presentation.? thanks!

  22. can i use it for my school presentation? thank you in advance

  23. Greetings!
    This declamation piece related much to me.
    Can I use this then for my school presentation?
    Thanks a lot 😊

  24. May I use this for school purposes ?

  25. Hello, this is a great declamation! May I ask permission to use this piece for school purposes? If so, Please do send me your full name :) Thank you!

  26. Can we use it po for school presentation?

  27. Would it be okay if I use this for a presentation at school? if so please send me your full name!

  28. Hi. This is a nice piece. Can I ask permission to use it for our school competition?


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