Klang. Klang. That's the signal, yes, two hours more is left. Do you hear that? At four this afternoon I will have my rendezvous with death at the lethal injection chamber. I pledge guilty to drug trafficking and multiple murder. I know I deserve that ultimate capital punishment, but listen to my story. You too have a share in forming me into a hoodlum in this dog eat dog world.

I was a matter of fate by destiny that I grew up in an area fast a accelerating in this orbit of moral decadence. My mom died a few days after my birth. Lola brought me up as dad, a policeman was a footloose and fancy-free family man.

Outcast yes, I am , a bitter pill to swallow but more bitter than this was the pang of rejection. Dad disowned me for the reason he alone knew. Society condemned me fo mom's indiscretion, a fault not of my own

I did not ask to be born but they gave me life just to wallow in poverty, in shame and in anger. All around me were dark shadows of frustrations: pre-marital sex, women of loose morale in heavy make-up, indecency, gambling, vices of all kinds, graft, corruption. Name them and we have them all in our place.

At first, I lived as an errand boy then as a messenger for this oldest trade of flesh to sustain a living. I graduated to selling prohibited drugs while sniffing once in a while to get into the world of make believe to escape reality of life. That was how life was with one like me who has no choice but to stay living that hard .

One night, in my usual routine I had some small packages of prohibited drugs to deliver to my valued clients. I was intercepted by a man in uniform and was consequently caught in the act. i could do nothing more but to face the situation. Instead of submitting myself peacefully to the authority I managed to grab the revolver and shot him flat dead. Once , twice, until several policemen came to his succor. I shot aimlessly not minding anymore who might get hurt until I no longer knew how many lives were lost.

God forgive me! But you people of the Philippine Republic who accuse me of drug trafficking and multiple murder I also accuse you before the seat of the Most High, God the all knowing, all wise Judge for:

- having failed me with our lawmakers who themselves are law breakers,

- having taught me life's bitterness just with your words not coupled by your witnessing,

- having done nothing to fight moral decadence that has swept and pestered our country now.

I know I have but few minutes to live. Before I submit myself to face the Maker, I ask you People of the Philippine Republic to atone for passive participation in the mess and corruptionour country is faced with. Do something to save our country, save the Philippines, save our youth. Capture the lost values through moral recovery.


  1. Is the person talking in the declamation piece crazy ?

  2. Drug drugs drugs drug country is the most essential part of the declamation

  3. is the speaker mad about the world or mad to his self or his father or his background of what his life was seriously idk

  4. This is our declamation piece and now i have to go to a declamation contest tommorow 😭😭

    1. We also have declamation piece tomorrow :O
      Are we from the same school? PH :)


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