FAKE (declamation piece)


I got this smile, I skip and I play like a kid.
I'm happy. People think i'm optimistic, talented and smart. I am religious. I have many friends.
Do I look like that? Do I? I hope you're convinced by this synthetic, this fake smile of mine. Most people envy how perfect my life is. How I don't have problems and how I seemed to be fine with everything.
But am I?

I always smile and agree to everything request. To be fine with everything my so called friends wanted. Do they know that all they're seeing is fake?

A mask of fake happiness and glee. That the only reason is, I cannot say no. have they thought of my feelings? are they even my friends?

That every time I see them, I have this smile that no one ever dared to disbelieve.
This sense of optimism everyone envies? It's all superficial. In fact, all I think of is sadness, despair, hate, and often I just can't go on anymore. Does anyone know that? Once I told my mom to cut the afternoon church club meetings, Guess what she bladed?

No God will be disappointed to you, she said.
I wanted to reply "Well if you put it that way" or "Sure make me feel guilty. Do I have a choice?" but all I can do is agree and pretend I didn't ask anything.

The Saddest part is with all the masks, my disguises, my covers. . .all the lies. . .Everyone seems to believe. No one knows how gloom, how depressed. . .unhappy I am. No one, none of you people.
None of you dare to doubt
I don't know. . .I if I still know who I am beneath.
Is it even there? I don't know.


  1. I liked this one. It really depicts how the mind of a depressed man having a lot of friends around him.

    1. Thank you Jerome for the appreciation:)

    2. Hi, were you the one who made this declamation? :)

    3. I understand the meaning of the declamation fake i like it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this declamation piece of yours. It reflects of who I am today. Thank you very much. <3

    1. Hello Bellatrix. I really appreciate your comment. I really believe that someday you'll find your real happiness. <3

  4. It's related to me. Thanks for the piece i appreciate it.

    1. Can i also borrow the speech for my class?

    2. Ok so erm she's not the original creator of that piece it's duane and the creator said that everyone are free to borrow it and use it in school and what do they mean "bladed?" I went to search in google to what it means and all that comes are about blades like literal blade ermmm what the sigma

    3. ptl to use your piece

  5. Thanks,its reflect in me from the past..

  6. Thanks,its reflect in me from the past..

  7. I like your declamation piece!! Can i borrow your piece? were supposed to perform in school and i've been looking for a piece may i? :)

  8. nice piece maam :) Im sure millions of people can relate to this piece of yours!!!

  9. I love your peice, it relates to what I am going through. Can I use this piece for my declamation project in english?

    1. sure you can ! your free to use it ♥

  10. i really really like this piece it just gives me a creative mind to write my own. did you write this

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm moved. This piece is relevant to today's society. Can i borrow and use it for my English class?

  13. Hi! I would like to use the piece for a competition but I am asking permission allowing me to rephrase, add-on lines and deduct words. I'm hoping for a positive reply.

  14. Hello! I like this declamation piece very much so can I present this to class? thanks very much

  15. Hi i like your piece it depicts for who i am.May i use for my school presentation?

  16. hello, i just wanna ask who's the real author of this piece because i wanna use this for my school presentation and it is required to have the authors name. thank you

  17. Hi i like tour piece can I use this for my literature class? Thank you

    1. How can i portray the role of the character here?
      Please help me because it will be my first time to declaim

  18. can i borrow ur piece? i will use it for school presentation, i like it :) i hope u let me :)

  19. Can I use your piece? I think it's very pretty and I'd like to use it for our presentation in English class.

  20. hi i want to use your piece ... i really love its content and its message...

  21. Hi...Can I also use your piece? I really likes it. I'd also like to use it for my English class.

  22. Hi...Can I also use your piece? I really likes it. I'd also like to use it for my English class.

  23. Hi...Can I also use your piece? I really likes it. I'd also like to use it for my English class.

  24. Wow great piece when the moment i saw this on my teacher's table i knew that this one will be my pick for my major pt in english.. Thanks for creating this piece! This shows and feel how i really am

  25. Are the grammatical and paragraph structural issues with your piece intentional?

  26. Hi :) Can I ask if I can use your piece for our english class?? Because we are asked to find some piece for us to present and I really like this one because it tells so much story and I can really relate to this... :)

  27. Hi can i use this oiece in our declamation activity?

  28. Can i use this as my declamation piece for the end of our first semester?

  29. Can i use this as my declamation piece for the end of our first semester?

  30. Hello can i ask. What is costume sa fake friends

  31. Hi can I please borrow this piece it was the best that I can find and the one that fits my skills. I really appreciate it!

  32. Hii can I borrow also this piece...? For my oral com. subject

  33. Who is the author of this piece?

  34. I joined a competition at the Chevalier school aka the best school in angeles city Pampanga and they used this declamation piece , best declamation piece ever!?bc this is myself inside and I loved it!

  35. Author can I barrow this?
    This will be fit for me thanks to you 😆😆

  36. Hi, I might borrow this for an audition. Can I? Thank you.

  37. Hi, can I borrow this piece for our declamation?

  38. Hello! I like your piece. Can I use it as a declamation piece of my students?
    This will be a good piece for them. A big thanks!

  39. HI, first of I love your declamation piece, and i was wondering if can use your piece as may declamation speech. don't worry I'll mention your name. if possible.

  40. I like this btw who wrote this?

  41. I Love your speech may I barrow for educational purposes only Thank You!

  42. Hii... may I borrow your piece?? our english month event is on thursday and friday,, I actually forgot to ask permission when I saw this piece the first time.. I hope you wont mind if I borrow it

  43. Dearest author, can you please comment your real name? I want to use this as my presentation in my speech subject but my professor is asking for the name of the author.

  44. Hello! Permission to use this piece! Thank youu

  45. Hello! Can I have permission to use this piece? Thanks!

  46. Hello, I love this piece so I'm going to ask permission, may I borrow this for our class presentation? thank you.

  47. Can I have the name of the author of this? Its really great and I want to ask for the permission of the author to use this piece as an example for my students.

  48. I really like this piece, it really shows the emotions of someone who has been through a lot. I hope you don't mind but I will use this piece in class since we have to recite a declamation. Thank you :))

    1. I think this is my original comment, I mean I'm pretty sure it is but anyways, update: I ended up with a medal winning 4th best in declamation, I think I could've ended up with something better but I slipped up on some of the lines. Anyways, thank you for letting me use this declamation!! :)

  49. Hi! I like this peace this is for our clerances it's very hard to memorize but I will try I still have 5 days to recite ^^

  50. Is there any declamation that has a 750 words

  51. hi, i would like to ask your permission for borrowing this piece for our school activity.

  52. I really appreciate this declamation piece, I can relate to it. It describes me. I love this.


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