NO PARDON FOR ME (declamation)


I'm sentenced.

Sentenced to life in this dank cell of misery.
I can see the key- it hangs there, just out my finger's reach, dangling there in a mock of freedom.

There will be no pardon for me, no stay of this execution.

My life has convicted me for crimes I did not commit.

My penalty meted out.
I followed every rule, broke no laws, have more than paid my fines to society's shun upon me.
There was no fair trial, no chance for me to plead my case.

The jurors were sent from hell, quick to judgement and showed no mercy as they read their verdict.

Life/Death, what does it matter?

Its all the same in this prison.

I am but a mere victim, the criminal has gotten away, while I do the time for fate's crimes against me.

I can't escape the hounds they'd release, should I attempt escape, for the walls and barbed wires are too painful to scale and the hounds would scent my fear.

So I sit here, waiting...
waiting for the day they walk me that longest mile, waiting for the flow of their poison to seep within' my veins.

That lethal injection that will finally end this misery of a soul so wrongfully convicted to die.


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