THE LAMP (declamation)

John Lester Lade

"Uh! my head aches,,, where am I? Oh my God! dextrose? No! Aghh!! , my hand , what happened?? You , you, you did this to me am I right?? Who did this to me? Who? " -I starts shouting while sitting.
"Aaaahhhh!!! ", then my eyes dimmed. Blackout....
Peep! Peep!
" Coming" -I shouted while looking myself at the mirror then starts going to the car.
"Oh! C'mon Alex, were gonna be late",-oh its Sheena my friend.
" I'm sorry, wait where's the other?"- I asked.
"They're already at the beach",- she answered.
" OK , let's hurry".
At the beach. I swim , swim , swim all day until I feel exhausted.
"Sheena!", I shouted then she turn on me." I'll be going first at the beach house, I need rest, I'm so tired"."OK", she replied.
I immediately go to the beach house and find some drinks and something to eat. While going to the kitchen, I heard a conversation of two men.
" What are we gonna do tonight?"- asked the first man.
" Just what had we planned , turn off all the lights and kill them one by one" answered the second man then he smirk.
"Huh!",- I almost shouted because of shock and cover my mouth.
Seems the first man noticed my presence so he picked up a knife in the table and walk towards where I am hiding. I feel so helpless so I just closed my eyes.
" Alex!, were here, are you sleeping? Please open the door",- I heard Sheena calling my name. I did not her then suddenly the men's presence gone. I slowly stand up and get some snacks at the refrigerator and quickly go to the room like nothing had happened.
"Oh Alex, where have you been? We thought your sleeping, why you are not answering me? She asked me in a series of questions." Ah, I'm sorry I did not hear you calling me at he kitchen", I reply. Then I pushed the door since it wasn't locked. Sheena and I will sleep in the same room. I did not told her what I saw earlier to avoid from scaring her. Until it was 10:00pm when we are sleeping I heard some of our friends friends noise keep saying " turn on the light , turn on the light", I wake up Sheena " Sheena, Sheena wake up! ", then she waked up and I grabbed her to where our friends stayed. We are all now stocked in one room, only the lights of our cellphones makes brightness. Suddenly we heard a knocked of the door. We are all scared to answer.
I found a lamp near the cabinet." Is anyone has a lighter?" I asked them in a whispering tone.
"Here" one of my friends answer.
I light up the lamp and saw the scared faces of my friends. I put down the lamp at the floor near the window but unintentionally it burns the curtains and the fire quickly become bigger and spread throughout the house.
"Help! Help! Help! Please help us!" I shouted with a trembling voice. I saw my friends lying on the floor. I wake them up."Wake up, wake up", but no one answers."uh, uhuh, uh" I starts coughing."uh, uh ,uhuh" until I found the window and break the glass because I believe it is the only way I can escape the fire. I jump from the window with some burn in my arm and face then I got unconscious.
I just wake up in a white room then my head aches.
"Uh! my head aches,,, where am I? Oh my God! dextrose? No! Aghh!! , my hand , what happened?? You , you, you did this to me am I right?? Who did this to me? Who? " -I starts shouting while sitting.
Then I see some policemen walking towards me.
"Ms. Alex Smith! we have an warrant of arrest for the case of multiple murder and damage to property. Said the policemen.
" but sir I did not...."
"You have the to get an attorney and you must to keep silent so please sshhhh!!!" Added by the policemen.
"No way! I'm not murderer, please believe me, I did not kill them please ahuhuhu!! ",- I kneel down and starts crying." Its all because of the.....LAMP, I'm not a murderer "
"The Lamp"


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