I'M STILL A KID (declamation)

Audrielyn E. Ulloa

I'm still a kid. A kid with plans. A kid who adores her parents. I am nothing like those kids who put on makeup and dress up like... like ADULTS! 

Who do they think they are? They are still children. They should be lucky to have toys. They should like comic books and Barbie dolls, NOT praise... BEER! DRUGS! DATING! 

YOU only live ONCE! You shouldn't smoke. You shouldn't run away from school. 

Please! STUDY! GRADUATE! Then that's when you get married and have kids. That's when you decide what you will do for yourself. 

Do not blame your parents when you go to jail. Don't tell them you never cared --- because THEY DID! They gave you a home, A LIFE! They lectured you because they cared. 

BUT YOU! You wouldn't listen. Instead, you worship maleficent things! Dangerous activities! You come home late at night, stop going to school. You don't listen. You don't care. 

Well, that's your problem! I know my parents are proud of me. ME! Because I am a straight-A student with a dream to become what I want to be. I could be a lawyer, a doctor, a fashion designer or even a dancer. 

Since I listened to my parents, I never had trouble with school. My friends could hate me. So what? They want to go out clubbing. 


I am too young for that. And you know what? I am proud of saying I'm still a kid because my family is so proud of me. Of what I am. How they trust me.
After all, I'm still a kid. A kid with a future.


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