Audrielyn E. Ulloa

It was supposed to be a wonderful summer. I was so excited! My heart was pounding with great jubilant! My bags were packed. I was ready to go.

"I can't wait to go to Hawaii! Ugh! I'm so excited! I'm ready to explore Honolulu. Oh, Honolulu..."

By the time the plane landed, I was the first to get out. The whole family was smiling but I'm pretty sure I had the biggest smile you'll ever see.

The hotel was huge. Huge! Very huge! I tell you, huuuuge! When we got in our room, I was ready to go swimming. I grabbed my camera but then ---

"Can I come with you! Please? Mom wants to sleep. She's so exhausted."

"Uh, excuse me? Olivia, I'm also exhausted but I'm making today an exception since I really want to check out the beaches here in Honolulu. I want to swim. Now? Leave me alone. Stay here."

Ugh. The difficulties of having a little sister. I need a break. My trip here will help. This is Hawaii and I'm a photographer so it's important for me to go sightseeing.

I got in the nearest elevator. When I got out, I hurriedly went to the beach which was just in front of the hotel where my sister, mom and I are staying. This is going to be the best vacation ever.



"Olivia, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry but I was lonely. Mom was very sleepy. You can't leave me alone like that. By the way, are mom and dad getting a divorce?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Dad is never home. Does he even know where we are?"

"I'm pretty sure he does. Well, if you're coming with me, you better learn how to catch up."

"Got it!"

So we did go swimming. It was fun. We were both wet. Even my camera but that was OK. Suddenly, I saw mom walking our way with tears falling down her eyes. My sister and I went to her.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

"Let's go home."

"Huh? Where, mommy?"

"Yeah, good question, Olivia. Where, mom? Do you mean the hotel or home... home?"

"I mean, back home. Where we live. We're taking the next flight tonight. Pack your things."

"But, mom! You can't do this. It's only been a few hours."

Mom didn't listen though. We were forced to leave Hawaii. Oh, this beautiful place. I'm going to miss it. I'm going to miss Hawaii.

We got home several hours later. I didn't speak to mom for days. All I did was stay home and watch TV. Olivia wasn't allowed to play with her friends. Mom was acting weird. One day, mom went inside my room.

"Can I come in?"

I didn't respond. She got in anyways so there wasn't any point in replying.

"Are you mad at me?"

Am I mad at her? Why, yes, I am! She ruined my summer. I was very excited about going to Hawaii. But she... she... ugh!

"Look, I know I haven't been completely honest with you and I'm sorry. The reason why I shortened our trip was because of your dad. He and I - we're getting a divorce. I'm really sorry."

Then mom left. Great. Just perfect. My summer was ruined and now my parents are getting a divorce. My summer is ruined because my parents are getting a divorce. What more do I have to know?

A few days after mom confessed, she decided to go to the grocery store. I was left alone in the house with my little sister.

"I knew it mom and dad are getting a divorce. Why do they want to get a divorce? Did dad cheat on mom?"

"Not now, Olivia."

I went to my room, locked myself in and fell asleep. These past few days have been very frustrating. I don't even know why mom and dad are getting a divorce. OK? When I woke up, I heard someone shouting.


"They're my kids! I'm not going to hurt them."

"You can and you will. Don't blame anyone for your mistakes. You did this to yourself. Now please, get out. I SAID GET OUT!"

I went downstairs and saw mom, Olivia and... dad?


Dad! It's dad. It's dad. I was about ready to run to him and hug him but then ---

"Psst. Don't show yourself."

"Olivia? Why are you whispering?"

"Mom said dad was a beast. He wants to take us with him. I don't trust him anymore."

What was going on? Dad? A beast? Whaaat?

As soon as dad left, mom locked the front door. She saw us. She was crying.

"I want the two of you to stay away from him. Don't talk to him anymore. He's not your dad. He's a monster."

"Mom, do you mean an actual monster or you're describing him as a monster?"

Mom didn't speak. This was getting really creepy. I have goosebumps. I can promise you that.

"Just don't come near him."

"Is something wrong with him, mom?"

"He's dangerous."

A week later, dad came back. The door was open. Mom was asleep. Then Olivia and I noticed something different with dad. We were afraid. Dad smiled at us then he went to mom's room and killed her. He killed mom. He killed her. He killed her.

Dad went to us. He was still grinning.

"Why'd you kill mom?"

"She wouldn't let me see you."

"And why is that?"

"I did something crazy. I went hiking with my colleagues two months ago. There was an accident and I nearly died but I didn't die. No, I didn't. You see, someone cursed me and in order to live for eternity, I have to kill my family. It wasn't easy tracking you down but I found out you went to Hawaii. When I got there, you already left."

"I don't get it. Mom said you're getting a divorce."

"She said that? Hmmm. Interesting."

"What are you going to do now? Kill us?"

"Yes, I will."

Dad did kill us. He went first with Olivia then me. I didn't see this coming. I didn't know that I would lose my mom and my sister and that I'll die in vain. I do know something though.

My father is a monster.


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  2. This is my declamation for our senior high day on October 12-13 event...

  3. This is my declamation for my senior high nakakaiyak😭


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