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difference between FRUITS and VEGETABLES (botanically)

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Introduction: Fruits and vegetables are commonly confused. The technical differences between them are clear. Scientifically speaking, a fruit is a matured ovary of a flower that has seeds. A vegetable, on the other hand, is any other edible part of a plant such a root, leaf or steam. From a culinary point of view, however, the differences between fruits and vegetables are much more complicated. With this research paper we will be guided with information and facts that helps identify either Fruit or vegetable based on a botanical study FRUIT WHAT IS FRUIT? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a fruit is "the usually edible reproductive body of a seed plant; especially one having a sweet pulp associated with the seed." In other words, it is the edible part of a plant derived from a flower. Fruits are nature's instruments used to spread seeds. ·          Fruit   is the ovary of a...


S- pecific M- easurable A- ttainable R- ealistic T- ime bound C- hallenging