Audrielyn E. Ulloa This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This... This isn't... This isn't happening. I am not hallucinating. I'm not! I'm not crazed. I'm not paranoid... ...or am I? You are paranoid. No, no. I'm not paranoid! I'm perfectly fine. My mind's OK. I'm thinking straight. And I've never killed anyone so why --- You've done it. You've killed her. Don't say, "Never." You murdered an innocent woman. It's your fault. No, no, NOOOO. It's not my fault. I didn't kill her. She started it even when we were kids. She'd pick on me. She'd copy from me. And never once has she apologized so she deserves to die. Wait. So you admit that you did kill her? You killed your classmate. Am I right? I didn't kill her. I only said that she deserves to die. There's a difference. And why am I even talking to myself? I must be crazy. So you admit that you are crazy. You've lost your mind. Am I r...